Pusat Pemindahan Ilmu, Jaringan Industri dan Masyarakat UMT

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu


The Center of Knowledge Transfer and Industrial Networks (PIJI) is a PTJ under the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Corporate Affairs & Industrial Networks) in charge of coordinating university knowledge transfer programs in line with the slogan “Social Innovation @ UMT” and is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for academic officials for Core 3, i.e., the Knowledge Transfer Core.

An internal fund for knowledge transfer was established in 2014 by the Strategic Transformation Center (TSR). However, since 2018, all initiatives of the internal fund for knowledge transfer have been coordinated by PIJI in line with the function and role of PIJI as a key coordinator of knowledge transfer functionality at the UMT level. In order to facilitate knowledge transfer and development activities, all academic officials at UMT can apply for special internal fund from UMT management called “KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY ASSIMILATION GRANT (KTAG).” The distribution of the fund falls under the responsibility of PIJI and the purpose of the grant scheme is to shape and facilitate the transfer of knowledge resulting from research by UMT officials to the target industry or community.


KTAG Focus Fields:

  1. Marine
  2. Maritime
  3. Biodiversity
  4. Fisheries & Aquaculture
  5. Entrepreneurship
  6. ICT
  7. Technology
  8. Education
  9. Environment
  10. Tourism
  11. Sustainable Wellness
  12. Agriculture & Food


Target Groups:

Distribution of the KTAG fund is focused on the following communities:

  1. Youth and Students
  2. Rural Communities
  3. Small and Medium Enterprises
  4. Community Leaders